Did you know we have an App?
You can do more than just book your classes!
You can access your bookings.
You can join me on Zoom via the app.
You can sign up for our online programs and challenges, nutrition and exercised based and then access them via the app.
You can book your events.
You can access our extensive video library.
You can read our blogs to keep you motivated.
You can purchase any of our pricing plans to save you money on class fees.
You can access our shop for Glow Sticks, T-shirts, Zoodies (Keeping you in with the latest fashion in fitness gear!!!🤣)
You can check your loyalty points - Points make prizes! Every time you book a class, buy a plan or purchase an item, buy a ticket to an event you get points!
To join our app - click this invite button!
Don't believe me? Heres a quick video of the app